Download MPLAB-X SDK For MPLAB X IDE 3.00: What's New in v3.00 Add libs and loadables in package – When zipping a project, the libs and loadable projects that are within the project being packaged (zipped) are included. Dashboard: Update Memory Usage from compiler-generated XML file – MPLAB XC compilers now generate an XML text file of compiler memory statistics. Dashboard will use this text file when available for reporting Total, Used, and Free memory for Data and Program memory areas. 14-bit User ID for 8-bit devices that support it – This is a feature that silicon has added in order to use more bits for user ID. The device data base has been updated to reflect devices that support this Add User Comments section to standard XC toolchains – In the Project Properties window, compiler global options category, a new tab is available for User Comments. Stale memory background color and faster step update – Under Tools>Options, Embedded, Generic Settings tab, an option has been added to specify a delay between when the device halts and when the device data is synched with a memory window. A longer delay can be set so that more single step execution can occur before an update. This is only applicable to general PIC memory views like file registers and data memory. Store front always second tab on first startup behind start page - The Store page, added after the Start Page, shows microchipDirect products available. On closing the window, it can be brought back by the shopping cart icon or from the Help menu. BSR read on trace data for supported emulation headers - Trace can now determine the bank of every line of executed code. This allows for correct decoding of banked SFR symbols. Currently supported header: AC244066 (PIC16F1619-ME2). Configuration Bits windows - “Generate Source Code to Output” puts code in the Editor window instead of the Output window. Please refer release notes for full more details, |