I have downloaded the latest MPLAB SDK on my computer. I am running Windows 7 with Java 1.6. ver 31 with NetBeans IDE 7.1. I have been able to run the MPLAB sample projects in Netbeans IDE. But I need to develop an automated framework using the sample projects(provided in the SDK) as a base, that should run without NetBeans IDE. The automated framework needs to be independent of the NetBeans IDE. Basically I should be able to take the generated JAR file that Netbeans create and use it outside the Netbeans.
I generate the JAR file using the build option in the NetBeans IDE. What I am noticing is that running the JAR file from the command line (outside of Netbeans) does not work as expected. Some of the objects in the setDevice constructor are not set, for example, the call to assembly.getLookup().lookup(ControlPointMediator.class); returns null value.
The class path is set in the Jar mansfest file. When running from the command line, all the needed libraries are available and java does NOT complain that library are missing. Please advice if there is a solution or advice for this issue.
set java classpth
you need to set the paths of all the maplabx java packages needed by mdb to java virtual macine class path.
You can check the file MPLAB_X\bin\mdb.bat (comes with the sdk) to see how to set the java class paths.
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set java class path
you need to set the paths of all the maplabx java packages needed by mdb to java virtual macine class path.
You can check the file MPLAB_X\bin\mdb.bat (comes with the sdk) to see how to set the java classpath.