Download MPLAB-X SDK For MPLAB X IDE 3.30: What's New in v3.30 (a) Dual Mode selection for Dual partition devices – When selecting a dual partition device, another field for the mode of operation appears below the device selection list. For Single partition mode or Dual partition mode. (b) MPLAB XC8 invariant mode –Invariant mode, referred to as Invariant to Stable Object, now selected using a combo box. (c) Compiler build comparison between Pro and Free – “Build PRO comparisons” is a new tool bar button action below the Build icon. This will launch two compiles - one based on free license optimizations and one based on Pro license optimizations - to emphasize the benefit of buying the Pro compiler. (d) Runtime watch in the simulator – RTW supported from within the simulator. (e) Add –mmicromips to MPLAB XC32 Assembler settings and API – microMIPS option now available for the 32-bit assembler. Example: xc32‑gcc ‑mprocessor=32MZ2048EFH10 ‑mmicromips asmfile.S Please refer release notes for full more details, |