Download MPLAB-X SDK For MPLAB X IDE 3.20: What's New in v3.20 a) Windows XP operating system is no longer supported – MPLAB X IDE is no longer supported on Windows XP. This means MPLAB X IDE will no longer be tested on Windows XP and JRE8 will be the new default JRE. To continue using Windows XP, JRE 7 will need to be installed. The MPLAB X IDE installer will search for JRE 7 on your system, and if it is not found will recommend sites for download. b) Breakpoint awareness capability (in/out of debug session) – Using tool tips and icons, breakpoint information is presented in and out of a debug session: c) When out of session and no build has occurred, if you try to set a breakpoint a mouse tool tip will occur with a blue torn icon stating no debug information is available. d) When out of session and a build has occurred, you will see either that a breakpoint is possible or not possible if a line that is optimized out. e) When in debug session, the tool tip will show whether a BP can be set or not. The option to show a tool tip can be disabled for those who do not want it. f) Read up and configure memory for dual partition - Tools read a dual partition FBOOT fuse to determine if it is in single or dual partition mode. Once determined, the memory objects in the IDE and IPE are reconfigured accordingly. After that the device is read up into the appropriate memory object in the correct configuration. g) Framework to support simulated peripheral plugins – The SDK has been extended to give detailed information about writing custom peripherals and other plug-ins for the Simulator. These plug-ins use the familiar MPLAB X IDE plug-in system. h) Unique ID displayed with Device ID for some PIC32 MCUs – For those PIC32 devices with a Unique ID, the Unique ID will be read and displayed along with the device ID on connect. Please refer release notes for full more details, |