Download MPLAB-X SDK For MPLAB X IDE 2.30: What's New in v2.30 · Generic Compiler Plugin – This provides the ability to add a generic or custom compiler to the IDE through the Tools>Options dialog. From here the compiler will be visible to be selectable within the Project Properties window for the devices it is declared capable of supporting. · Files Committed to Repository – Currently when adding a project to a version control repository, all directories and files will be shown to be added. Some directories and files should not be added and are documented in the MPLABX help file. Now only the necessarily directories/files in the add window are shown. · MPLAB Provide Break Reason – When possible, the debugger tab in the MPLAB X IDE Output window will display the reason a device has halted. This feature is limited to the information that the silicon provides so not every device will have this capability and not all break reasons can be determined. · Serial Communication for MPLAB PM3 (and MPLAB IPE) – Allow serial communication between the MPLAB PM3 and PC via a COM port. This will be similar to MPLAB ICE v8 operation. · Preserve UserID in MPLAB PM3 Standalone Mode – Implementation of preserve UserID memory for MPLAB PM3 standalone mode Please refer release notes for full more details, |