Make your production flow as easy as 1, 2, 3 with IPE

The environment file embeds the hex file, SQTP file and programmer settings to quickly allow loading of the programming image and associated support files. Having an environment file on a production floor is always useful. These environment files are created under the environment tab in Advanced Mode as shown in the picture.

It’s a lot easier to have the environment load automatically when IPE opens. IPE’s shortcut can be altered to open your environment.
To create a shortcut, follow these steps:
1. Create a copy of the MPLAB IPE desktop icon.
2. Right click on the new shortcut icon and click Properties.

Right Click Menu:

3. The Properties dialog opens. Click the Shortcut tab.

In the Target field (figure below), add additional commands that will load your environment (-BL"”). Place the command in the Target field at the end of the string after the “....jar”. You must add a space before the command. Commands are preceded by a dash. Commands are not case sensitive. Paths must be in quotations. An example command is: -BL"E:\18f1220_Production.pm3”
5. Click OK.

6. Right click on the new shortcut icon and click Rename. Type a new name for the shortcut.

On the production floor, the technician has to perform these 3 steps.
1. Double click on the shortcut icon that is just created.
2. Click on Connect button to connect to the attached tool.
3. Click on Program and it’s done!